
feeling bleh

i tend to eat a lot when i'm feeling like crap..so i'm feeling pretty full right now.

i think it's so sad.. thinking that my worth is dependent on others liking me or not. it is NOT TRUE. and yet i still forget that my worth was determined long before i was even born when He gave His life for me. i am worth Jesus' life. how completely and utterly undeserving am i? But it is true. i am worth that much, and nobody, no matter how much they love me or not, can ever change that.

He is more than enough for me... and yet i keep on searching elsewhere. ashamed and broken...i'm realizing again that i am nothing without You.

Lord, help me to focus my attention on the things that matter most to You.. i want to continually seek the desires of Your heart instead of my own petty desires. there are bigger things happening outside of my own life, and i want desperately to be a part of what You're doing in our lives.


taken from nevin's pg...please fill out!:) hehehe

1. What is your name?
2. For how long have we known each other?
3. Where did we first meet each other?
4. What was your first impression of me?
5. Do you still think of me in the same way?
6. When did we last see each other?
7. Describe me, using at least three words.
8. Are we friends?
9. Choose one character from a TV show that is similar to me. Please name the show.
10. If you had to give me a nickname, what would it be and why would you choose it?
11. Have I made an impact in your life?
12. What is the best memory that we've had together?
13. For how long do you think we will be friends?
14. What do you think my weakness is?
15. Do you think I'll get married?
16. If so, to whom?
17. What makes me happy?
18. What makes me sad?
19. What reminds you of me?
20. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
21. How well do you know me?
22. Have you ever wanted to tell me something, but couldn't?
23. Do you think I could kill someone?
24. What is one of my goals?
25. What are my favourite colours?
26. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
27. Anything else?